Competitor and Coach Database | BJJ Heroes

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If you are a new visitor, welcome and thank you for having dropped by. BJJ heroes is a website fully dedicated to Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) and all the buzz surrounding our sport. On this page you will find a list of all the grappling figures included on our database. Click on the names to read the biographies and grappling records of the competitors with all the relevant information we could find regarding the figures in question.

Bruno Malfacine Instructional


  • Daniel Priebe says:

    Hello, how can I be added to BJJ heroes? I have been a black belt foe over 4 years, own 3 schools, compete in masters and adult level, have won JJWL Wolrds, FIVE grappling, Abu Dhabitrials, and have won or placed in several ibjjf tournaments. Os there an application?

  • Raul Faconti says:

    good morning how do i include my name and titles and biography in bjj heros?

  • Marcus says:

    hi I think Jon olav einemo deserves to be with bjj heros because he is the only European who won adcc. and than of the few who won over roger gracie and rigan machado. He is a pioneer in bjj in the north

    Best regards Marcus (bjj nerd)

  • Scott Burr says:

    Guys, it is ESSENTIAL that you add Richard Bresler to this list! Bresler was an integral part of helping GJJ/BJJ get established in the country, and missed out on being a dirty dozen member by a matter of months. MANY people who went on to become early BJJ black belts had Richard as their instructor at the original Gracie Academy. Rener Gracie himself has said, “No one did more to help my dad—and my family’s art—establish a foothold in the US than Richard Bresler. From the garages to the original Academy to the UFC, Richard was there doing whatever he could to make it happen. Anyone training Jiu-Jitsu in America today owes Richard Bresler their thanks.” Happy to put you all in touch with him.

    Also WORTH DEFENDING, Richard’s memoir about his 40+ years’ involvement with the Gracie family and Gracie Jiu-Jitsu, is now available in paperback and eBook on

  • None says:

    Ricardo Ramos e Mesquita is missing in that ALLIANCE list !!

  • Ailton Araujo says:

    Bruno Ramos

  • Donald Pillow says:

    Fernando Maccachero, Edson Carvalho, Élcio Figueiredo, Anselmo Montenegro, Marcus Soares and Orlando Saraiva?


    Hello, would it be possible for my story and biography on your website?

  • Maksims Zakitis says:

    Iran Macarenhas

  • carlos amigo martinez says:

    Hi friends,
    I think you could include Rogerio Yoski Suto for his well-deserved career in the past and today! Many thanks for your work!

  • karaka says:

    No one did more to help my dad—and my family’s art—establish a foothold in the US than Richard Bresler. From the garages to the original Academy to the UFC, Richard was there doing whatever he could to make it happen. Anyone training Jiu-Jitsu in America today owes Richard Bresler their thanks.” Happy to put you all in touch with him.

  • EDSON MANUEL says:

    think Jon olav einemo deserves to be with bjj heros because he is the only European who won adcc. and than of the few who won over roger gracie and rigan machado. He is a pioneer in bjj in the north

  • JUSTYN says:

    How do I go about getting my professor a BJJHeros page

  • Topsidekneebar says:

    Joseph Thompson? Soca Black belt
    1x IBJJF Black Belt Masters world champ
    1x IBJJF Black Belt European world champ
    2x IBJJF Brown Belt Masters world champ
    3x IBJJF Black Belt Masters silver medalist
    Over 20 IBJJF open gold medals in career, much more.

  • Jonathan says:

    Seria muito legal e enriqueceria mais ainda adicionar o professor Marcos Roberto Schubert nesta lista, Schubert foi um excelente competidor em sua época, além de ter sido aluno do Hélio Soneca e receber a faixa preta diretamente das mãos do Carlos Gracie Jr, sendo também o primeiro canal a ensinar posições de Jiu Jitsu no YouTube, foi muito importante para o Jiu Jitsu isso como toda a certeza. Obrigado BJJ Heros incrível este site.

  • Gustavo says:

    You must includ in the list Gustavo Muggiati, leader of Gracie Barra Orlando and one of the founders of Gracie Barra Curitiba. He is a brasilian national , pan and world finalist 2003 (that year didnt have finals, Gracie has split the title). I am talking just about his competions in Black Belt. He also won world master.

  • Patrick says:

    I’ve always been curious, how do you decide who to add and is it all done manually? What are the requirements to get a BJJ heroes page?

    Anyway, thanks for doing this for the community

    • BJJ Heroes says:

      Thank you Patrick. We prefer to keep the content writing to ourselves. Sadly, many black belts try to change their own history as their life progresses. Over the years we have had plenty who have asked to remove their previous coaches names, remove losses from their records, change their lineage, and many other requests. As such, we like to keep the content in-house and these historic records available for all.

  • Slaven Olujic says:

    No Eoghan O’Flanagan? Wtf…

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