Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Team History, Fighter Stats, Biographies and News

BJJ Fanatics Instructionals
BJJ Fanatics Instructionals

Leandro Lo

350.43K 10
Gordon Ryan Guard Passing Instructional

Leandro Lo was one of the most accomplished Brazilian jiu-jitsu athletes to have ever competed in the gi class (kimono) and a record holder for most IBJJF World titles in different weight classes (5) — light, middle, medium-heavy, heavy and open weight, a 20-year-old record broken in 2020 (more details here). A former student of Cicero Costha, Leandro Lo’s first steps towards grappling stardom were taken in April 2011 when he defeated Michael Langhi (who had been unbeaten for 3 years), on his way to the top of the podium of the UAEJJF World Pro. Since that win, Leandro Lo cemented himself as one of the best “Pound for Pound” grapplers to have ever graced a mat, with repeated wins at the World Championships, the prestigious Copa Pódio, and Pan American Championships. Lo was shot and killed at a public event in August 2022 at the age of 33 (see below for details).

Leandro Lo Jiu-Jitsu

Full Name: Leandro Lo Pereira do Nascimento

Nickname: n/a

Lineage: Carlos GracieHelio GracieRickson GracieMarcelo BehringWaldomiro PerezRoberto GodoiMarco Barbosa > Cicero Costha > Leandro Lo

Main Achievements:

  • 1st Place IBJJF World Championship (2012 / 2013 / 2014 / 2015 / 2016 / 2018* / 2019 / 2022)
  • 1st Place IBJJF Pans Championship (2012 / 2014 / 2015 / 2016 / 2017** / 2018**)
  • 1st Place IBJJF European Open (2017**)
  • 1st Place CBJJ Brazilian Nationals (2011 / 2012 / 2017**)
  • 1st Place CBJJ Brazilian Nationals No-Gi (2011 / 2012**)
  • 1st Place Copa Podio Lightweight GP (2011 / 2013 / 2014 / 2016)
  • 1st Place Copa Podio Middleweight GP (2012 / 2016)
  • 1st Place Copa Podio Heavyweight GP (2016)
  • 1st Place UAEJJF Abu Dhabi Pro (2011 / 2013 / 2014 / 2015)
  • 2nd Place Copa Podio Heavyweight GP (2014)
  • 2nd Place IBJJF World Championship (2017** / 2019*)
  • 2nd Place IBJJF World NoGi Championship (2012*)
  • 2nd Place IBJJF Pans Championship (2016/2014*)
  • 3rd Place IBJJF World Championship (2021)

Main Achievements (Colored Belts):

  • 1st Place IBJJF World Championship (2005 junior blue)
  • 1st Place CBJJ Brazilian National (2009 / 2010 brown)
  • 1st Place CBJJE Brazilian Cup (2008 purple)
  • 2nd Place IBJJF World Championship (2006 junior blue)
  • 2nd Place CBJJ Brazilian Nationals (2008 purple)

* Absolute
** Weight and absolute

Weight Division: N/A

Favorite Position/Technique: Spider Guard, Toreando Guard Pass

Association/Team: New School Brotherhood

Leandro Lo Biography

Leandro Lo was born on the 11th of May, 1989 on the east side of São Paulo – Brazil. He started practicing Jiu-Jitsu through the Projecto Social Lutando Pelo Bem (PSLPB) a social project for underprivileged children in 2004, a project led by Cicero Costha.

Leandro was a natural athlete and won many important titles as a junior, such as the Mundial in 2005, medalling again in 2006. Known as a spider guard /triangle type of grappler, when he was a purple belt, Lo’s game would change due to an injury suffered when he was a purple belt, which kept him away from competitions for a few months. Not having the pressure to perform every weekend, it was during his “competition-free” phase that Lo started working on his top game, a game for which he would become known during his black belt heyday.

In 2007 the world’s biggest organization (CBJJ/IBJJF) moved its most important tournament, the Mundial, to the United States seeking worldwide recognition. With the change, many Brazilian competitors (Leandro included) lost their window, the best way to showcase their skills to a wider audience, as they did not have the means to travel to America. These grapplers were left with smaller events, most of which were won by Lo.

It was on April 14th of 2011 that Leandro finally turned a few heads his way. After winning the trials in the south of Brazil (Gramado), Lo went on to defeat two legends in the tournament’s final stage, Celso Vinicius and Michael Langhi. Langhi was widely considered the best lightweight in the world and hadn’t lost a competition in 3 years. In 2012 Leandro Lo settled his name as the best lightweight competitor in the world, after wins at the Mundial (World Championship) the Pan American, and the Brazilian Nationals. Leandro also established himself as a force to be reckoned with in the open weight divisions with a win at the Brazilian No-Gi Nationals and second place at the No-Gi World Championship.

After winning all the main competitions at lightweight, Leandro Lo went up a weight division. Fighting at middleweight did not faze his performance as he kept winning all the top grappling competitions with and without the gi.

In late September 2015, Leandro Lo and a few of his teammates severed their bonds with the PSLPB team, moving on to form their own academy, led by Lo. Jiu-Jitsu New School Brotherhood was the name of the new team.  Among the most significant athletes who left with Leandro, were: Luiza Monteiro, Helio Dias, Gustavo “Braguinha”, Ygor Schneider, Anderson Lira, and Wellington Luís.

In June 2018 Leandro was hoping to match Saulo Ribeiro’s 4 IBJJF world titles in 4 different weight classes, after coming up short in 2017.  He reached the final against Mahamed Aly but was forced to quit after a shoulder injury from a throw dislocated his shoulder. Although still scheduled to compete in the final of the open weight class against Marcus Almeida, the injury prevented him from stepping on the mat and all hope of matching Ribeiro’s record was lost. That was until Marcus chose to forfeit the title and not to challenge Leandro, this way awarding the São Paulo native his first absolute title and his 4th world title in a different weight class.


Leandro Lo died on Saturday evening 06, 2022, from a gun-inflicted wound to his head. The tragic events took place at the Clube Sírio showroom, in Indianópolis a neighborhood of São Paulo, Brazil, where Leandro was attending a musical performance by the pagode-style band Pixote. According to several witnesses, the shooter, an off-duty military police officer named Henrique Velozo, approached the table where Lo and his friends were sitting and behaved wrongfully by stealing a drink from the table. Leandro confronted Mr. Velozo and the two engaged in a brief physical altercation where Lo took control of the action. Once separated by the bystanders, Lo returned to his table but Henrique followed him there and shot him in the head at close range.

Despite being immediately rushed to the hospital, Leandro was found to have irreparably lost all brain function. Henrique Velozo fled the crime scene but was later arrested by the police.

Cover picture was taken by BJJPix.

Leandro Lo Instructional

[fighter_status id=256]

Leandro Lo Grappling Record

268 WINS
    171 (64%)
    31 (12%)
    55 (21%)
    7 (3%)
    0 (0%)
  • BY DQ
    3 (1%)


Cross choke
Choke from back
Brabo choke
Bow and arrow
Toe hold
Mounted X choke
Triangle armbar
Lapel choke
    12 (31%)
    11 (28%)
    10 (26%)
    5 (13%)
    0 (0%)
  • BY DQ
    0 (0%)


Choke from back
Flying triangle
Lapel choke
Arm in Ezekiel

Leandro Lo Fight History

ID Opponent W/L Method Competition Weight Stage Year
2805Gilbert BurnsGilbert BurnsLPts: 2x0World Pro Trials77KGSF2011
2878Augusto MendesAugusto MendesLPts: 4x0Pan American76KGR12011
3110Kron GracieKron GracieLChoke from backWorld Champ.76KG4F2011
3404Marcus AlmeidaMarcus AlmeidaLPts: 6x6, AdvPan Am CBJJEABSSF2011
3551Antonio CarlosAntonio CarlosLFlying trianglePan AmericanABSR22012
3691Otavio SousaOtavio SousaD---Copa Podio85KGGP2012
3781Lucas LepriLucas LepriLPointsWorld Pro.76KGSF2012
3852Antonio PeinadoAntonio PeinadoLReferee DecisionBrasileiroABSR12012
3904Antonio CarlosAntonio CarlosLPts: 2x2, AdvWorld Champ.ABSR22012
4229Augusto MendesAugusto MendesLPts: 9x0NoGi Worlds76KGSF2012
4281Alexandre RibeiroAlexandre RibeiroLPts: 0x0, AdvNoGi WorldsABSF2012
4520Orlando SanchezOrlando SanchezLReferee DecisionPan AmericanABSR22013
4594Vitor OliveiraVitor OliveiraLPointsPan American82KG4F2013
4757Bernardo FariaBernardo FariaLPointsWorld Champ.ABS4F2013
5108Gilbert BurnsGilbert BurnsLPts: 3x0NoGi Worlds79KGSF2013
5323Andre GalvaoAndre GalvaoLAdvPan AmericanABSF2014
5584Rodolfo VieiraRodolfo VieiraLChoke from backCopa Podio94KGF2014
5632Rodolfo VieiraRodolfo VieiraLChoke from backWorld Pro.ABS4F2014
5716Keenan CorneliusKeenan CorneliusLPts: 6x4World Champ.ABSRD 42014
6774Bernardo FariaBernardo FariaLLapel chokePan AmericanABSF2015
7197Marcus AlmeidaMarcus AlmeidaLPts: 2x2, AdvWorld ProABSSF2015
7395Bernardo FariaBernardo FariaLArmbarWorld Champ.ABSSF2015
9396Bernardo FariaBernardo FariaLArm in EzekielPan AmericanABSF2016
9548Victor HonorioVictor HonorioLPts: 0x0, AdvWorld ProABS8F2016
12027Tarsis HumphreysTarsis HumphreysLReferee DecisionFIVE Super League92KG4F2017
13044Marcus AlmeidaMarcus AlmeidaLPts: 2x2, AdvWorld Champ.ABSF2017
13199Nicholas MeregaliNicholas MeregaliLPts: 2x0World Champ.94KGF2017
13762Marcus AlmeidaMarcus AlmeidaLPts: 0x0, AdvIBJJF Pro GPABSF2017
13877Craig JonesCraig JonesLRNCADCC88KGE12017
16597Mahamed AlyMahamed AlyLInjuryWorld Champ.100KGF2018
19336Nicholas MeregaliNicholas MeregaliLPts: 4x0BJJ Stars100KGSPF2019
19662Adam WardzinskiAdam WardzinskiLChoke from backPan American94KGSF2019
19697Lucas BarbosaLucas BarbosaLReferee DecisionPan AmericanABSF2019
20705Kaynan DuarteKaynan DuarteLPts: 5x3World Champ.94KGF2019
22045Gustavo BatistaGustavo BatistaLPts: 0x0, AdvBJJ StarsABSSF2019
22681Kaynan DuarteKaynan DuarteLPts: 0x0, AdvSpyder Invitational100KG4F2019
23906Lucas BarbosaLucas BarbosaLPts: 2x0BJJ StarsN/ASPF2020
23955Nicholas MeregaliNicholas MeregaliD---BJJ BetABSSPF2020
27118Lucas BarbosaLucas BarbosaLRNCBJJ Bet88KGF2021
29592Gustavo BatistaGustavo BatistaLReferee DecisionWorld Champ.88KGSF2021
32096Mica GalvaoMica GalvaoLPts: 0x0, AdvBJJ Stars83KG4F2022
2911Zak MaxwellZak MaxwellWPts: 6x0World Pro.74KG4F2011
2913Michael LanghiMichael LanghiWPts: 4x0World Pro.74KGSF2011
2914Celso ViniciusCelso ViniciusWAdvWorld Pro.74KGF2011
2958JT TorresJT TorresWPointsBrasileiro76KG4F2011
2960Augusto MendesAugusto MendesWPointsBrasileiro76KGSF2011
2961Michael LanghiMichael LanghiWAdvBrasileiro76KGF2011
3025Tatsuya KanekoWArmbarWorld Champ.76KGRDS2011
3031UnknownWPointsWorld Champ.76KGRDS2011
3399Claudio DanielWReferee DecisionPan Am CBJJEABSNA2011
3400R. EvangelistaR. EvangelistaWBow and arrowPan Am CBJJEABSNA2011
3401Fabiano BoiWPointsPan Am CBJJEABSNA2011
3429Moacir MendesMoacir MendesWPts: 2x2, AdvCopa Podio76KGGP2011
3432JT TorresJT TorresD---Copa Podio76KGGP2011
3440Ed RamosWPts: 7x0Copa Podio76KGGP2011
3445Denilson PimentaDenilson PimentaWPts: 12x0Copa Podio76KGGP2011
3447Vinicius MarinhoVinicius MarinhoWPts: 5x2Copa Podio76KGSF2011
3449Claudio MattosClaudio MattosWChoke from backCopa Podio76KGF2011
3453Claudevam MartinsWPts: 45x0Amazon Meeting76KGSF2011
3454Antônio CarlosWBow and arrowAmazon Meeting76KGF2011
3456Antonio CrivelariWPts: 2x0Brasileiro NoGi73KG4F2011
3457Tiago BravoTiago BravoWPts: 8x2Brasileiro NoGi73KGSF2011
3459Theodoro CanalTheodoro CanalWPts: 10x0Brasileiro NoGi73KGF2011
3463Rodrigo MartinsWChoke from backInt. de Jiu-Jitsu76KG4F2011
3464IvanWPts: 13x0Int. de Jiu-Jitsu76KGSF2011
3465Eduardo SilvaWLapel chokeInt. de Jiu-Jitsu76KGF2011
3469Luiz SuppWCross chokeBrasil Sul CupABS4F2012
3470Alexandre SouzaAlexandre SouzaWPts: 2x0Brasil Sul CupABSSF2012
3471Ricardo BastosWPts: 2x0Brasil Sul CupABSF2012
3545Victor SchlosserWPts: 6x6, AdvPan AmericanABSR12012
3605Italo LinsItalo LinsWPointsPan American76KGR22012
3612Zak MaxwellZak MaxwellWPts: 13x2Pan American76KG4F2012
3614Philipe Della MonicaWPts: 16x0Pan American76KGSF2012
3615Lucas LepriLucas LepriWPts: 2x0Pan American76KGF2012
3676Dimitrius SouzaDimitrius SouzaWPts: 2x0Copa Podio85KGGP2012
3679Felipe PreguiçaD---Copa Podio85KGGP2012
3688Rafael BarbosaRafael BarbosaWPts: 3x0Copa Podio85KGGP2012
3693Ricardo BastosWPts: 8x2Copa Podio85KGSF2012
3696Dimitrius SouzaDimitrius SouzaWPts: 7x0Copa Podio85KGF2012
3775Antonio FariasWPointsWorld Pro.76KGR22012
3843Ed RamosWPointsBrasileiro76KGSF2012
3844Michael LanghiMichael LanghiWPts: 2x0Brasileiro76KGF2012
3897Alexandre CeconiAlexandre CeconiWPts: 0x0, AdvWorld Champ.ABSR22012
4011Alessandro FerreiaWPts: 23x0World Champ.76KGR22012
4017Theodoro CanalTheodoro CanalWPointsWorld Champ.76KGR32012
4022Rodrigo CaporalRodrigo CaporalWPts: 21x0World Champ.76KG4F2012
4025Roberto SatoshiRoberto SatoshiWPts: 7x2World Champ.76KGSF2012
4026Lucas LepriLucas LepriWPts: 2x0World Champ.76KGF2012
4163Lucas LepriLucas LepriWPts: 0x0, AdvIBJJF Pro League82KGF2012
4227Raymond AyallaWPts: 45x0NoGi Worlds76KG4F2012
4269Diego HerzogWPts: 4x0NoGi WorldsABSR12012
4276DJ JacksonDJ JacksonWPts: 0x0, AdvNoGi WorldsABS4F2012
4280Antonio PeinadoAntonio PeinadoWPts: 0x0, AdvNoGi WorldsABSSF2012
4363Lucas RochaLucas RochaWChoke from backArizona Open82KGF2013
4365Augusto MendesAugusto MendesWPointsArizona OpenABSF2013
4375Jake ShieldsJake ShieldsD---World ExpoABSSPF2013
4376Renato CardosoRenato CardosoWPts: 15x4Pan Am. CBJJEABSNA2013
4377Rodrigo RibeiroRodrigo RibeiroWPointsPan Am. CBJJEABSNA2013
4378Jake MackenzieJake MackenzieWPointsPan Am. CBJJEABSNA2013
4398Augusto MendesAugusto MendesWPts: 5x2Copa PodioABSSPF2013
4400Felipe PreguiçaWPts: 3x2Copa PodioABSSPF2013
4505Bernardo FilhoWMounted X chokePan AmericanABSR12013
4590Sean RobertsSean RobertsWMounted X chokePan American82KGR22013
4662Roberto SatoshiRoberto SatoshiWPointsWorld Pro76KGSF2013
4663Lucas LepriLucas LepriWPts: 0x0, AdvWorld Pro76KGF2013
4685Claudio CalasansClaudio CalasansWPointsCopa Podio82KGSPF2013
4739Luis RosaWN/AWorld Champ.ABSRDS2013
4751Orlando SanchezOrlando SanchezWPts: 6x0World Champ.ABSRDS2013
4791Vinicius MarinhoVinicius MarinhoWPts: 6x2World Champ.76KG4F2013
4794Lucas LepriLucas LepriWAdvWorld Champ.76KGSF2013
4795Michael LanghiMichael LanghiWPts: 2x0World Champ.76KGF2013
4852Diego BorgesDiego BorgesWAdvCopa Podio76KGGP2013
4856Brandon MaganaWPts: 18x0Copa Podio76KGGP2013
4863Clark GracieClark GracieWPts: 13x0Copa Podio76KGGP2013
4868Juan KamezawaJuan KamezawaWPts: 10x0Copa Podio76KGGP2013
4870DJ JacksonDJ JacksonWPts: 6x2Copa Podio76KGSF2013
4872Diego BorgesDiego BorgesWAdvCopa Podio76KGF2013
4878Leandro BrassolotoWBow and arrowBrasileiro CBJJEABSNA2013
4879Rodrigo RibeiroRodrigo RibeiroWArmbarBrasileiro CBJJEABSNA2013
4881Cassio FrancisCassio FrancisWPointsBrasileiro CBJJEABSNA2013
4888Juarez HarlesWKimuraMundial CBJJE82KG4F2013
4889Alan FinfouAlan FinfouWPts: 2x0Mundial CBJJE82KGSF2013
4890Diogo AlmeidaDiogo AlmeidaWPts: 12x0Mundial CBJJE82KGF2013
4896Diogo AlmeidaDiogo AlmeidaWPointsMundial CBJJEABS4F2013
4897Leandro BrassolotoWCross chokeMundial CBJJEABSSF2013
4924Augusto VieiraWN/ARio Open82KGSF2013
4926Alan FinfouAlan FinfouWArmbarRio Open82KGF2013
4931UnknownWPointsRio OpenABS4F2013
4932Felipe PenaFelipe PenaWPts: 0x0, AdvRio OpenABSSF2013
4934Joao RochaJoao RochaWPts: 0x0, AdvRio OpenABSF2013
5122James PuopoloJames PuopoloWAdvNoGi WorldsABSSF2013
5304John RobertsWCross chokePan AmericanABSR22014
5312Fabiano LeiteWPointsPan AmericanABSR32014
5319Victor EstimaVictor EstimaWPointsPan AmericanABS4F2014
5321Alexander TransAlexander TransWPointsPan AmericanABSSF2014
5367Julian MarquezWDQPan American82KGR12014
5374C. NegromonteC. NegromonteWPts: 4x2Pan American82KG4F2014
5377Victor EstimaVictor EstimaWPts: 5x0Pan American82KGSF2014
5378Otavio SousaOtavio SousaWAdvPan American82KGF2014
5569Alexandre SouzaAlexandre SouzaWPts: 4x0Copa Podio94KGGP2014
5572Faisal KitbeWPts: 0x0, AdvCopa Podio94KGGP2014
5575Alan BelcherAlan BelcherWChoke from backCopa Podio94KGGP2014
5580Rodolfo VieiraRodolfo VieiraD---Copa Podio94KGGP2014
5581Luiz PanzaLuiz PanzaWPts: 6x4Copa Podio94KGSF2014
5587Hamzeh RasheedWArmbarCopa Podio77KGGP2014
5593S. FranceschiniWCross chokeCopa Podio77KGGP2014
5597Gregor GracieGregor GracieWPts: 8x2Copa Podio77KGGP2014
5603Victor SilverioVictor SilverioWPts: 8x0Copa Podio77KGSF2014
5606Gregor GracieGregor GracieWArmbarCopa Podio77KGF2014
5615Luke CostelloWPointsWorld Pro.ABSR12014
5624Rodrigo FajardoRodrigo FajardoWPts: 14x0World Pro.ABSR22014
5629Nivaldo OliveiraNivaldo OliveiraWPts: 9x0World Pro.ABSR32014
5653Luca AnacoretaLuca AnacoretaWPts: 4x0World Pro.82KG4F2014
5655Otavio SousaOtavio SousaWPointsWorld Pro.82KGSF2014
5657Victor EstimaVictor EstimaWReferee DecisionWorld Pro.82KGF2014
5703Omar SabaWCross chokeWorld Champ.ABSR22014
5804KawazoeWPts: 28x0World Champ.82KGRDS2014
5811Tulio RosarioWMounted X chokeWorld Champ.82KGRDS2014
5814Sean RobertsSean RobertsWPts: 6x0World Champ.82KGRDS2014
5816Victor SilverioVictor SilverioWAdvWorld Champ.82KG4F2014
5821Victor EstimaVictor EstimaWPts: 7x2World Champ.82KGSF2014
5822Otavio SousaOtavio SousaWPts: 9x6World Champ.82KGF2014
5934Caio AlmeidaCaio AlmeidaWCross chokeMundial CBJJEABSSF2014
5935Claudio CalasansClaudio CalasansWPts: 4x2Mundial CBJJEABSF2014
6115Keenan CorneliusKeenan CorneliusWPts: 6x2NYC Pro94KGF2014
6191Gilbert BurnsGilbert BurnsWCross chokeCopa Podio82KGSPF2014
6320L. ValleWPts: 10x0The Team76KGRR2014
6335Takahiro KandaWPts: 21x0All Japan NoGi88KGF2014
6336Ryo ChonanWPts: 4x0All Japan NoGiABSF2014
6337Ichitaro TsukadaWCross chokeAll JapanABSF2014
6760Yuto HiraoWBrabo chokePan AmericanABSR22015
6766James PuopoloJames PuopoloWPts: 13x0Pan AmericanABSR32015
6770Yuri SimoesYuri SimoesWPts: 4x2Pan AmericanABS4F2015
6773Leo NogueiraLeo NogueiraWPts: 2x0Pan AmericanABSSF2015
6831Cris AtkinsWBrabo chokePan American82KGR22015
6834Bruno AntunesWPts: 13x0Pan American82KGR32015
6840Felipe CesarFelipe CesarWCross chokePan American82KG4F2015
6844Victor EstimaVictor EstimaWPts: 4x2Pan American82KGSF2015
6846Otavio SousaOtavio SousaWPts: 5x2Pan American82KGF2015
7119Max CarvalhoMax CarvalhoWPts: 6x0World Pro85KGR12015
7124Igor BasilioWCross chokeWorld Pro85KGR22015
7129Felipe SagatWToe holdWorld Pro85KG4F2015
7130AJ SousaAJ SousaWPointsWorld Pro85KGSF2015
7133Victor EstimaVictor EstimaWPts: 0x0, AdvWorld Pro85KGF2015
7185Victor SilverioVictor SilverioWPts: 4x2World ProABSR22015
7190Felipe BuenoWPts: 0x0, AdvWorld ProABSR22015
7194Max CarvalhoMax CarvalhoWPts: 3x0World ProABS4F2015
7198Keenan CorneliusKeenan CorneliusWPts: 4x2World ProABS3RD2015
7327Sergio MoraesSergio MoraesWPts: 6x0Copa PodioABSSPF2015
7391Tarcísio JardimWPts: 9x4World Champ.ABS8F2015
7393Keenan CorneliusKeenan CorneliusWPts: 8x6World Champ.ABS4F2015
7479Matheus DinizMatheus DinizWPts: 4x0World Champ.88KG4F2015
7484Renato CardosoRenato CardosoWPts: 15x2World Champ.88KGSF2015
7485Tarsis HumphreysTarsis HumphreysWPts: 7x0World Champ.88KGF2015
8004Rodrigo FreitasRodrigo FreitasWPts: 0x0, AdvSanta Cruz Pro82KGSF2015
8005Julian MarquezWCross chokeSanta Cruz Pro82KGF2015
8879Davi RamosDavi RamosWPts: 6x2Copa Podio77KGGP2016
8883AJ SousaAJ SousaWPts: 13x0Copa Podio77KGGP2016
8887Lucas LepriLucas LepriWPts: 2x2, AdvCopa Podio77KGGP2016
8890Felipe CesarFelipe CesarWPts: 7x0Copa Podio77KGGP2016
8894Dillon DanisDillon DanisWPts: 2x0Copa Podio77KGSF2016
8896Lucas LepriLucas LepriWPts: 2x0Copa Podio77KGF2016
9316Alessandro SilvaWBow and arrowPan American88KG8F2016
9323Gabriel ArgesGabriel ArgesWPts: 12x6Pan American88KG4F2016
9326Renato CardosoRenato CardosoWToe holdPan American88KGSF2016
9327Romulo BarralRomulo BarralWPts: 2x0Pan American88KGF2016
9375Dany GerardDany GerardWCross chokePan AmericanABSR22016
9387Guilherme AugustoGuilherme AugustoWPts: 3x0Pan AmericanABS8F2016
9395Andre GalvaoAndre GalvaoWPts: 2x0Pan AmericanABSSF2016
9541K. DzieniszewskiWArmbarWorld ProABS8F2016
9629Lucas RegoWChokeWorld Pro85KG8F2016
9632Patrick GaudioPatrick GaudioWPts: 4x2World Pro85KG4F2016
9636Renato CardosoRenato CardosoWPts: 2x0World Pro85KGSF2016
9638Claudio CalasansClaudio CalasansWReferee DecisionWorld Pro85KGF2016
10030C. NegromonteC. NegromonteWPts: 8x0World Champ.88KG8F2016
10033Matheus DinizMatheus DinizWPts: 7x0World Champ.88KG4F2016
10038Keenan CorneliusKeenan CorneliusWPts: 4x2World Champ.88KGSF2016
10039Romulo BarralRomulo BarralWPts: 5x0World Champ.88KGF2016
10083Ricardo RezendeRicardo RezendeWPts: 11x0World Champ.ABSR22016
10098Gustavo DiasGustavo DiasWPts: 7x0World Champ.ABS8F2016
10104Keenan CorneliusKeenan CorneliusWPts: 2x0World Champ.ABS4F2016
10163N. MeregaliWPts: 4x2Copa Podio86KGGP2016
10168Dillon DanisDillon DanisWPts: 0x0, AdvCopa Podio86KGGP2016
10174Max GimenisMax GimenisWPts: 2x0Copa Podio86KGGP2016
10179Diego BorgesDiego BorgesWPts: 2x0Copa Podio86KGSF2016
10184Erberth SantosErberth SantosWPts: 6x0Copa Podio86KGF2016
10766I. BahienseWPts: 2x0Copa Podio105KGRR2016
10770Cassio FrancisCassio FrancisWToe holdCopa Podio105KGRR2016
10779F. TrovoWPts: 8x0Copa Podio105KGRR2016
10783Nelton PontesNelton PontesWPts: 0x0, AdvCopa Podio105KGSF2016
10784Alexander TransAlexander TransWPts: 2x0Copa Podio105KGF2016
11504Andreas PeralesWCross chokeEuropean OpenABSR12017
11513Thomas JohannessenWPts: 7x0European OpenABS8F2017
11517Isaque BahienseIsaque BahienseWPts: 11x2European OpenABS4F2017
11519Mahamed AlyMahamed AlyWPts: 3x0European OpenABSSF2017
11521Claudio CalasansClaudio CalasansWPts: 4x0European OpenABSF2017
11618Tony FerrazWPts: 24x0European Open94KG8F2017
11622Karim KhalifaWPts: 6x2European Open94KG4F2017
11624Jesse UrholinJesse UrholinWPts: 0x0, AdvEuropean Open94KGSF2017
11625Tanner RiceTanner RiceWArmbarEuropean Open94KGF2017
12101Lucas RochaLucas RochaWBrabo chokePan AmericanABS8F2017
12104Dany GerardDany GerardWPts: 2x0Pan AmericanABS4F2017
12108Nicholas MeregaliNicholas MeregaliWPts: 3x0Pan AmericanABSSF2017
12110Joao RochaJoao RochaWToe holdPan AmericanABSF2017
12226Jared RevelWPts: 10x0Pan American94KG8F2017
12231Nicholas MeregaliNicholas MeregaliWPts: 2x0Pan American94KG4F2017
12234Matheus DinizMatheus DinizWPts: 2x0Pan American94KGSF2017
12235Tanner RiceTanner RiceWPts: 2x0Pan American94KGF2017
12570Gordon RyanGordon RyanWPts: 4x0ADCC WC TrialsABSSPF2017
12701Moises JuniorWChoke from backBrasileiroABSRDS2017
12708Rodrigo RibeiroRodrigo RibeiroWPts: 5x0BrasileiroABSRDS2017
12714Otavio NalatiWPts: 6x0BrasileiroABS4F2017
12718Renato CardosoRenato CardosoWPts: 7x2BrasileiroABSSF2017
12719Erberth SantosErberth SantosWPts: 6x4BrasileiroABSF2017
12813Andre RudolfoWChoke from backBrasileiro100KGR12017
12815Diego LimaWPointsBrasileiro100KG4F2017
12819Fernando ReisFernando ReisWPts: 2x0Brasileiro100KGSF2017
12820Erberth SantosErberth SantosWPts: 5x0Brasileiro100KGF2017
12891Romeu PatrickWBrabo chokeSalvador Spring O.100KGSF2017
12892Talison CostaWN/ASalvador Spring O.ABSSF2017
12894Dimitrius SouzaDimitrius SouzaWBow and arrowSalvador Spring O.ABSF2017
13000Marcos GoulartWBow and arrowCuritiba Fall Open94KGSF2017
13008Italo SantosWChoke from backCuritiba Fall OpenABSR12017
13009Adriano SousaWBrabo chokeCuritiba Fall OpenABS4F2017
13012Marcos GoulartWPts: 12x0Curitiba Fall OpenABSSF2017
13014Erberth SantosErberth SantosWPts: 2x0Curitiba Fall OpenABSF2017
13033Dany GerardDany GerardWPts: 2x0World Champ.ABS8F2017
13039Joao RochaJoao RochaWPts: 2x0World Champ.ABS4F2017
13042Luiz PanzaLuiz PanzaWPts: 3x2World Champ.ABSSF2017
13190Tex JohnsonTex JohnsonWBrabo chokeWorld Champ.94KG8F2017
13195Matheus DinizMatheus DinizWReferee DecisionWorld Champ.94KG4F2017
13198Guilherme AugustoGuilherme AugustoWPts: 8x0World Champ.94KGSF2017
13758R. EvangelistaR. EvangelistaWKimuraIBJJF Pro GPABS4F2017
13761Andre GalvaoAndre GalvaoWPts: 0x0, AdvIBJJF Pro GPABSSF2017
14976Otavio SousaOtavio SousaWPointsACB 1085KGSPF2018
15353John CombsJohn CombsWPts: 6x0Pan AmericanABSR22018
15361Keenan CorneliusKeenan CorneliusWPts: 7x2Pan AmericanABSSF2018
15362Gutemberg PereiraGutemberg PereiraWPts: 2x0Pan AmericanABSF2018
15438Matheus GodoyMatheus GodoyWCross chokePan American94KG4F2018
15442Fellipe AndrewFellipe AndrewWPts: 3x0Pan American94KGSF2018
15443Tanner RiceTanner RiceWPts: 2x0Pan American94KGF2018
16351Gabriel ArgesGabriel ArgesWPointsACBJJ 1385KGSPF2018
16593Rodrigo RibeiroRodrigo RibeiroWPts: 2x2, AdvWorld Champ.100KG4F2018
16595Nelton PontesNelton PontesWPts: 2x0World Champ.100KGSF2018
16623Nick SchrockNick SchrockWDQWorld Champ.ABS8F2018
16632Luiz PanzaLuiz PanzaWPts: 2x0World Champ.ABS4F2018
16636Victor HonorioVictor HonorioWPts: 4x0World Champ.ABSSF2018
19660Vinicius TratorVinicius TratorWReferee DecisionPan American94KG4F2019
19684Devhonte JohnsonDevhonte JohnsonWPts: 2x0Pan AmericanABSR22019
19693Rudson MateusRudson MateusWReferee DecisionPan AmericanABS4F2019
19695Gustavo BatistaGustavo BatistaWPts: 2x0Pan AmericanABSSF2019
20698Dominique BellDominique BellWPts: 17x0World Champ.94KGR22019
20702Jackson SousaJackson SousaWPts: 2x0World Champ.94KG4F2019
20703Vinicius TratorVinicius TratorWDQWorld Champ.94KGSF2019
20745Gustavo DiasGustavo DiasWPts: 5x0World Champ.ABSR22019
20747Luiz PanzaLuiz PanzaWTriangle armbarWorld Champ.ABS4F2019
20750Keenan CorneliusKeenan CorneliusWReferee DecisionWorld Champ.ABSSF2019
22043Dimitrius SouzaDimitrius SouzaWPts: 0x0, AdvBJJ StarsABS4F2019
24448Jaime CanutoJaime CanutoWPts: 0x0, AdvBJJ Stars 486KG4F2020
24450Claudio CalasansClaudio CalasansWPts: 7x0BJJ Stars 486KGSF2020
24452Isaque BahienseIsaque BahienseWAdvBJJ Stars 486KGF2020
25131Alex MunisAlex MunisWCross chokeBJJ Stars 588KGSPF2021
26881Henrique CardosoHenrique CardosoWPts: 0x0, AdvBig Deal Pro 394KGSPF2021
27112Rafael PaganiniRafael PaganiniWPts: 10x0BJJ Bet88KG4F2021
27117William TackettWilliam TackettWInjuryBJJ Bet88KGSF2021
29586N. MendelshonWPts: 2x0World Champ.88KG8F2021
29590Otavio SousaOtavio SousaWPts: 2x0World Champ.88KG4F2021
31732Bruno TostoWChoke from backPan American88KGR12022
31741Jansen GomesJansen GomesWPts: 5x0Pan American88KG4F2022
33033Rafael AnjosRafael AnjosWBrabo chokeWorld Champ.88KG8F2022
33036Andre PorfirioAndre PorfirioWPts: 4x0World Champ.88KG4F2022
33041Bruno LimaBruno LimaWPts: 2x0World Champ.88KGSF2022
33042Isaque BahienseIsaque BahienseWPts: 2x0World Champ.88KGF2022

Leandro Lo vs Claudevam Martins

Leandro Lo vs Davi Ramos

Leandro Lo vs Keenan Cornelius

5050 Guard Instructional by Lachlan Giles


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