Roberto Abreu, also known as “Cyborg”, is a Brazilian born Jiu-Jitsu competitor and instructor who earned his black belt training with the Nova Geracao Team, who started his own successful academy – Fights Sports – from which he has produced several talented grapplers such as Jake Mackenzie, Ricardo Rezende, Hunter Ewald, and many others. Since he moved to Miami in the US, Cyborg has become a household name for Jiu-Jitsu fans through his unique style and his trademark position, the Tornado Guard, made famous in matches against big names of the sport such as Abmar Barbosa and Braulio Estima.
Roberto Abreu Jiu-Jitsu
Full Name: Roberto de Abreu Filho
Nickname: Roberto had a tough Car accident back in 2000 when he was a Blue Belt. The car accident shattered his left arm, and the doctors told Cyborg he probably wouldn’t move his arm again (he took over 300 stitches and still has broken glass on his arm today). 4 months after the accident, Roberto took 2nd in the Brazilian Nationals. Because Roberto had never been to a major tournament final before, Isaias, a black belt from Carlson Gracie’s academy gave him the nickname Cyborg.
Lineage: Carlos Gracie > Helio Gracie > Carlson Gracie > Francisco Albuquerque > Roberto Abreu
Main Achievements:
- 1st Place ADCC World Championship (2013*)
- 1st Place IBJJF World Championship NoGi (2021 / 2017 / 2012 / 2011 / 2010**)
- 1st Place IBJJF Pan Championship (2008 / 2022)
- 1st Place IBJJF European Open (2005)
- 1st Place IBJJF Grand Prix (2019)
- 1st Place IBJJF Masters World Championship (2018)
- 1st Place Kasai Pro 264 lbs Grand Prix (2020)
- 1st Place Grappling Pro Championship (2016)
- 2nd Place ADCC World Championship (2009 / 2024*)
- 2nd Place IBJJF World Championship (2010)
- 2nd Place IBJJF World Championship NoGi (2021* / 2008)
- 2nd Place IBJJF Pan Championship (2009)
- 2nd Place CBJJ Brazilian Nationals (2007)
- 2nd Place AJP King of Mats (2018)
- 3rd Place ADCC World Championship (2017 / 2013 / 2011 / 2024)
* Absolute
** Weight and absolute
Favorite Technique/Position: Tornado Guard and Reverse Triangle
Weight Division: Super Pesado and Pesadíssimo (Under 100kg/221 and over 100kg/221lbs).
Association/Team: Fight Sports
Roberto Cyborg Abreu Biography
Roberto Abreu was born on the 20th of December, in 1980 in Campo Grande, a city located on the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso do Sul.
Roberto’s first contact with Jiu-Jitsu came by way of play-fighting with a friend when he was a teenager. This friend challenged Roberto for a fight, jokingly, which Cyborg accepted. Roberto found the challenge amusing because his friend was very small and skinny.
His skinny friend ended finishing Roberto 3 times with moves that the larger Abreu couldn’t comprehend. Roberto had never heard of Jiu-Jitsu but after his friend told him that he just used the ‘Arte Suave’ on him, he was convinced this was something he wanted to pursue, following his friend to Claudionor Cardoso’s gym the following day, where he started his tuition.
Roberto Abreu won his first competition with just two weeks of training, that win got Cyborg hooked to the sporting aspect of Jiu-Jitsu, an enthusiasm he carried throughout his competitive career.
Competing became one of Cyborg’s prime goals in life. He often traveled to Rio de Janeiro to compete at the top tournaments in the world. When in Rio, Abreu prepared at Nova Geração, of Francisco Albuquerque, with who he created a strong bond.
As a purple belt, Roberto opened his own gym and remained affiliated with Albuquerque. The school prospered quickly in a land eager to learn the gentle art, raising a strong team with hundreds of students and several world-class competitors. Students that earned titles at important tournaments such as the Brazilian Nationals, the Mundial (World Championships), Pan American Championships as well as other important tournaments.

Abreu receiving his black belt in Dec. 2004
Abreu remained one year as a purple belt, winning many important tournaments at this belt division, moving up to brown belt, where he remained for only 9 months, being awarded his black belt, on the day of his birthday (December 20, 2004) after 5 years of training. Master Francisco “Toco” Albuquerque tied the belt around Abreu’s waist himself.
In 2010 Roberto Cyborg joined forces with a few world-class competitors and friends, such as Rodrigo Cavaca and Marcus Buchecha (who were then coaching at ‘The Armory” in Florida), to form a different team named ‘The Avengers’. The team competed in a few local tournaments as well as at an international stage and was doing well, but as Rodrigo returned to Santos in Brazil, taking with him Buchecha, and the partnership ended.
On March 13, 2018, one of Roberto Abreu’s most prominent black belts and head coach of the former Fight Sports team affiliate in Naples, Florida, was arrested after being accused of a sexual relationship with a sixteen-year-old girl, whom he had coached since the victim was ten years of age. The police report from the day of the arrest stated that Goncalves had “confessed to having sexual intercourse.”
The case received extensive coverage from jiu-jitsu’s media at the time, with Roberto Abreu releasing a message, distancing himself and his team from the actions of Gonçalves, deeming them “horrifying” – check the full statement here.
In June 2019, grappling news website, the Jiu-Jitsu Times was contacted about photos on Instagram that showed Abreu and his partner, Maggie Grindatti, spending time with Goncalves in a group setting. These actions received plenty of backlash when they became public knowledge. Adding to the injury it also became known that Marcel appeared to be working and training at one of Fight Sports’ main affiliate gyms, with another prominent FS figure, Vagner Rocha.
In the aftermath of the news, jiu-jitsu promoter Mo Jassim took it upon himself to research this matter, uncovering plenty of other misconduct allegations within the team, while also unveiling what appeared to be a blasé attitude among the team’s leadership towards the severity of the allegations. Many of these findings can be found on Jassim’s purposely built Instagram profile @motar2k (check here for more) and in the journalistic work of the aforementioned Jiu-Jitsu Times website (check here).
On August 14, 2021, Roberto released a statement through his social media, apologizing for the poor handling of the Marcelo Gonçalves affair and the team allegations, explaining that he had recently reached out to those involved and personally apologized for his shortcomings. Abreu also stated that he was launching a “Sexual Misconduct Review Board” on the team to address any further allegations. Check here for the full statement.
Below is a short description of the main allegations pushed forth through the previously mentioned channels.
– Allegation 1. Keith Rummel (link to original statement)
According to Keith Rummel, the owner of the Naples, Florida gym affiliated with Fight Sports at the time of Marcel’s felony (2018), once the case was made public and authorities moved towards a prosecution, Gonçalves – who was the head coach of his gym – requested to be paid $35,000. The money was to be used in exchange for Keith’s continued use of the Fight Sports brand name. Once Keith refused to pay he was removed from Fight Sports. In a statement given on social media, Mr. Rummel wrote:
“I went down to Fight Sports Miami headquarters and met with Cyborg. Just me and him this time. Cyborg talked a little bit about the situation and asked if I thought about Marcel’s offer [E.N. the $35k]. I told him I did and I wasn’t going to pay Marcel anything. He said ‘OK’ and after a little more small talk I left. Shortly after he sent me a message saying that, since I would not pay Marcel the money, I was kicked off the team” – to see the full statement check here.
– Allegation 2. Mandy Schneider (link to original statement)
In August 2021, a female Fight Sports team member, Mandy Schneider, came forth describing her account of a possible sexual assault by one of her coaches, Rodrigo da Costa Oliveira, in October 2020. Rodrigo had since been kicked off the team and left the country, as Roberto Abreu canceling the former coach’s visa rights after hearing of the event.
In her testimony, given through social media (link here), the (then) teenager claims she was inebriated at a hotel room after a competitive jiu-jitsu event, and forced to have sexual relations with the assailant, Mr. Oliveira.
– Allegation 3. Anonymous – Corroborated by Ricardo Rezende (link to original statement)
On August 15, another former Fight Sports female team member came forth with her own description of an alleged sexual assault at one of the team’s gatherings in Bonito, Brazil, during 2016, which she released through social media. The account was later corroborated by a former FS black belt, Mr. Ricardo Rezende.
In her claim, the anonymous victim explained that a blue belt team member entered her hotel room while she was sleeping and attempted to rape her. An intention she successfully fought off. During the aftermath she explained:
“I screamed and called the reception. Made a huge scandal and told them to call the police. Cyborg, this (expletive), came to ask me not to press charges. (…) I went to file a complaint with the police. Cyborg came to yell at me, telling me that because of me the whole jiu-jitsu camp was (expletive). He spoke to my coach at the time, Mohamed Targuisti (…) they told me that since there hadn’t been any penetration it wasn’t that bad“. Check the full claim here and witness #2 account here.
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Roberto Abreu Grappling Record
73 (46%) -
14 (9%) -
56 (35%) -
14 (9%) -
3 (2%) - BY DQ
0 (0%)
- 11 (20%)Armbar
- 8 (14%)Choke from back
- 6 (11%)Choke
- 4 (7%)Straight armlock
- 3 (5%)Knee choke
- 3 (5%)Submission
- 2 (4%)Guillotine
- 2 (4%)Kneebar
- 2 (4%)Katagatame
- 1 (2%)Armlock
- 1 (2%)Cross face
- 1 (2%)One arm guillotine
- 1 (2%)Inside heel hook
- 1 (2%)Triangle
- 1 (2%)Short choke
- 1 (2%)Outside heel hook
- 1 (2%)Inverted Triangle
- 1 (2%)Triangle armbar
- 1 (2%)Cross choke
- 1 (2%)RNC
- 1 (2%)Clock choke
- 1 (2%)North-south choke
- 1 (2%)Kimura
- 1 (2%)Choke from mount
20 (42%) -
6 (13%) -
16 (33%) -
4 (8%) -
0 (0%) - BY EBI/OT
1 (2%)
- 3 (19%)Armbar
- 2 (13%)Choke from back
- 2 (13%)Guillotine
- 1 (6%)Cross choke
- 1 (6%)Mounted X choke
- 1 (6%)Crucifix choke
- 1 (6%)Ezekiel
- 1 (6%)Botinha
- 1 (6%)Choke
- 1 (6%)Inside heel hook
- 1 (6%)Loop choke
- 1 (6%)Kneebar
Roberto Abreu Fight History
Hi I enjoy the site it is good
Roberto Cyorg – Homem de Coragem!!
Nice Moves man..I love the tornado sweep and ur fireman carry..Very smooth man..
thx bro
The state is Mato Grosso do Sul (MS), not Mato Grosso (MT).
[…] I’m looking forward for my fight against Rolles Gracie at UFC EXPO next week, the World’s NoGI and Abu Dhabi next year. We have a great training team here in FL. Other than my prodigies Jake Mackenzie, Marcel Goulart, Paulo Azambuja, Sophia Amarante, and Hillary Williams, I have the help of Pablo Popovitch. He is my brother. He has helped me a lot with my game. Also, I have Moacir Boca Oliveira, Denis Mitchel, and Dustin Clean. Cavaca is moving to Jupiter with Rafael Chaves and all the guys from Armory. We’re going to have a team together. You’re going to see a very strong team come up in the future. Florida will be the new MECA of Jiu JItsu. Thank You! Read more about Roberto Abreu at BJJ Heroes […]
Sobrinho robertinho,
Tennho acompanhado o seu sucesso como lutador,especialmente essa luta com um Gracie ,aplicação do triangulo invertido ,sucesso.Tio Mario.
Hi. Just to try to update the info: On his main achievments you can add Cyborg's wins in the 2010 No-Gi Championships in the Super Heavyweight and Absolute divisions.
hi. doesnt cyborg represent Carlson Gracie team during the mundials? i think he did in 2008 and 2009. i could be mistaken. thanks.
Campo grande isn't Mato Grosso(MT), it is Mato Grosso do Sul (MS), please correct it!
You said hes expanding to Canada soon? where to? East or West Coast, Central?
Mestrão absoluto esta guarda fantastica e volenta mesmo .. Osssssssssssss
ADCC Bronze Medallist – 2011
Did a seminar and private with Cyborg today. He’s an awesome guy and his love for jiu jitsu is very clear. Learned some great techs.
Op, i think Maestre Cyborg has been competing as part of Avengers team
Roberto Cyborg; the absolute worse predator supporting leader of the whole Jiu-Jitsu world. What a sick sc**bag! He should never compete again, and all sponsors should remove him from their lists. Why support who supports predators, grooming, and r*pe and shaming of minors? Cut him off!
Shmidt you are full of sh**. Pr*dator? You came here stalking. Find something to do that’s productive.
Maybe train BJJ ?!?