South American Championship 2022, Team Fratres Makes Waves in Rio de Janeiro | BJJ Heroes

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BJJ Fanatics Instructionals

South American Championship 2022, Team Fratres Makes Waves in Rio de Janeiro

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Nicholas Meregali Instructionals

OCTOBER 19, 2022, this weekend gi jiu-jitsu fans had all eyes on the Arena Cel Wenceslau Malta in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The venue housed this year’s edition of the International Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Federation (IBJJF) South American Championships (Sul Americano de Jiu-Jitsu), an event that brought forth some of the top talents of the region and reached a very praiseworthy 47% submission ratio in the adult black belt division.

The big headline of the weekend was the rise of the Frates Jiu-Jitsu Academy, a new workgroup that combined many of the late Leandro Lo’s students with a few former representatives of other gyms from the surrounding areas of São Paulo, such as Guigo JJ, LR Extreme, and the Ryan Gracie Academy. Frates made a big mark in the tournament crowning several champions such as Leandro Santos, Rider Zuchi, Sabatha Laís, and Amanda Magda.

On the headline-worthy front was the aforementioned Amanda Magda. Recently promoted to black belt, Magda has been one of the most active female faces in the Brazilian grappling circuit’s adult division, despite being 44 years old. Defying the odds, Amanda took home another gold medal in dominant fashion.

Other rising stars of the sport are on full display at the South American Championships were Leonardo Mario of Cicero Costha, who dominated the AJP Tour as a brown belt and is now winning gold medals at the top level. Also, Luis Oliveira of Frates closed the super-heavyweight division with Rider Zuchi, and Sabrina Gondim of Checkmat.

2022 South American Champions (Male):
57KG: Oziel Santos (Gracie Barra)
64KG: Leonardo Mario (Cicero Costha)
70KG: Matheus Lima (Qatar)
76KG: Natan Chueng (Fratres JJ)
82KG: Lucas Protásio (Checkmat)
88KG: Leon Brito (BTT)
94KG: Leandro Santos (Fratres JJ)
100KG: Rider Zuchi (Fratres JJ)
+100KG: Wallace Costa (GFT)
Open Weight: Gutemberg Pereira (GFT)

2022 South American Champions (Female):
53KG: Jessica Caroline (R1NG)
58KG: Thauany Xavier (Gracie Barra)
64KG: Sabrina Gondim (Checkmat)
69KG: No Matches
74KG: Sabatha Laís (Frates)
79KG: Amanda Magda (Frates)
+79KG: Gabrieli Pessanha (Infight)
Open Weight: Gabrieli Pessanha (Infight)

2022 South American Finals (Male):
57KG: Oziel Santos def. Aniel Bonifacio via choke from the back
64KG: Leonardo Mario def. Ronald Alves via 8×6 points
70KG: Matheus Lima def. Artur Oliveira via armbar
76KG: Natan Chueng def. Vinicius Pereira via choke from the back
82KG: Lucas Protásio def. Elder Gomes via DQ (exited the mat with submission locked)
88KG: Leon Brito def. Reyson Neves via advantages (0x0 pts)
94KG: Leandro Santos def. Gabriel Henrique Oliveira via decision
100KG: Rider Zuchi closed the division with teammate Luis “Cantareira”.
+100KG: Wallace Costa def. Jacson Silva via 2×0 points
Open Weight: Gutemberg Pereira def. Gabriel Henrique Oliveira via 4×2 points

2022 South American Champions (Female):
53KG: Jessica Caroline def. Karen Terra via botinha lock
58KG: Thauany Xavier def. Milene Caroline via advantages (2×2 points)
64KG: Sabrina Gondim def. Vitoria Vieira via advantages (0x0 points)
69KG: No Matches
74KG: Sabatha Laís def. Karen Suely
79KG: Amanda Magda def. Marilia Freire via 11×0
+79KG: Gabrieli Pessanha def. Maryanna Cardoso via choke from the back
Open Weight: Gabrieli Pessanha def. Sabrina Ataide via katagatame

Craig Jones Brand New Instructional

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