Royal BJJ Camp, Amsterdam | BJJ Heroes

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Team History, Fighter Stats, Biographies and News

BJJ Fanatics Instructionals
BJJ Fanatics Instructionals

Royal BJJ Camp, Amsterdam

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Craig Jones Instructionals

Another jiu jitsu camp that is getting ready to hit the road this Summer is Royal Camp, which set in Amsterdam – Holland. The camp will offer a week of jiu jitsu and a wide scope of coaches from different teams, styles and backgrounds, all of which are among the elite of active competitors in the European grappling circuit.

To deal with the overcrowding situation, something very common at BJJ workshops, the Royal Camp will limit the number of participants per class, thereby ensuring that everyone gets the same quality of instruction and dedication from the instructor. So be sure to book your spot on time.


9 – 15 July, 2018


Jackson Sousa
Main accomplishments:
IBJJF World Champion
IBJJF European Champion
IBJJF World NoGi Champion

Adam Wardzinski
Main accomplishments:
IBJJF European Champion
IBJJF European Nogi Champion
UAEJJF World Pro Medallist

Max Lindblad
Main accomplishments:
UAEJJF Abu Dhabi World Pro Champion
IBJJF European Champion
IBJJF World medallist

Pedro “Paquito” Ramalho
Main accomplishments:
IBJJF World Champion
IBJJF European Champion
UAEJJF Abu Dhabi World Pro Champion

Eirin Cathrine
Main accomplishments:
IBJJF World Champion
IBJJF European Champion
IBJJF Pan American Champion

Samantha Cook
Main accomplishments:
IBJJF World nogi Champion
IBJJF European Champion
ADCC European Trials Champion

Darragh O’Conaill
Main accomplishments:
IBJJF European NoGi Champion
IBJJF British National Champion
IBJJF American National NoGi Champion

Tarik Hopstock
Main accomplishments:
Copa Podio Iron Brown belt Champ
IBJJF European Champion
IBJJF World Medalist

Joanna Ziobronowicz
Main accomplishments:
IBJJF World master Champion
IBJJF European master Champion

Bernardo Faria BJJ Foundations

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