NY BJJ Pro Results, 2014 | BJJ Heroes

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BJJ Fanatics Instructionals

NY BJJ Pro Results, 2014

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John Danaher Instructionals

Leandro Lo is certainly a man in search of a challenge. Starting out his black belt career as a lightweight, Leandro had in front of him, arguably the toughest division in modern day jiu jitsu. He dove right in like a bull, beating most of his competitors and wining the world championship twice in a row. After these tremendous victories, Lo moved up a weight class. The middleweight division is no easy pick, but Leandro managed not only to survive, but to excel, beating the winner of the 2012 and 2013 world titles, Otavio Sousa on this year’s event and achieving another world title.

These are in themselves amazing deeds, but for Leandro Lo they don’t seem like they were enough. Accustomed to the absolute division, Lo decided to try his luck in the 94kg division (207lbs) of the New York Pro League, facing the super talented Keenan Cornelius in the final, a man who had defeated him in this year’s world championship at open weight, Leandro made the most of the test defeating the American prodigy by 6 to 2.

Yesterdays NY Pro League Champions were
BJJ NYC Pro Results, Black Belt

Photo by Gracie Mag

Bernardo Faria vs Abraham Marte

Joao Miyao vs Gianni Grippo

Leandro Lo vs Keenan Cornelius

Luiza Monteiro vs Nijah Easton

5050 Guard Instructional by Lachlan Giles

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