BJJ Fanatics 170 lbs Grand Prix Shaping Up With Top Talent | BJJ Heroes

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BJJ Fanatics Instructionals

BJJ Fanatics 170 lbs Grand Prix Shaping Up With Top Talent

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Craig Jones Instructionals

February is proving to be one of the best months of the year for professional jiu-jitsu. After Kasai’s big show this past weekend, and with FloGrappling’s “Who’s #1” super-fight event as well as Fight 2 Win’s 136 show, BJJ Fanatics is throwing another top-notch tournament featuring some of the best light-weights on the international circuit.

This Grand Prix style format featuring EBI rules will feature athletes under the 170 lbs weight limit and is hitting the screens on the 29th of Feb. (yes, 2020 is a leap year). So far we have quite a few big names already confirmed. They are (click on the names to check bios):

PJ Barch (10th Planet’s killer lightweight)
Johnny Tama (2019 World No-Gi champ)
Ethan Crelinsten (the world’s toughest brown belt)
Oliver Taza (veteran ADCC player and member of the DDS)
Matheus Gonzaga (The newest addition to the Atos team)
Jonnatas Gracie (One of the top prospects in the world today)
– Kody Steele (EBI Combat champion)
John Combs (guillotine master with one of the most exciting styles in the game)

We will keep you posted as more names are revealed, but so far, this is shaping up to be one of the greatest lightweight tournaments on the sub-only schedule.

Bernardo Faria BJJ Foundations

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