ADCC 2011 Results | BJJ Heroes

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BJJ Fanatics Instructionals

ADCC Results 2011

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John Danaher Instructionals

ADCC 2011 Poster

Though the attendance at the FM Capital Arena in Nottingham, England did not fill up completely (as an event of this magnitude deserves), the 2011 edition of the ADCC was a tremendous success. With stars like Leo Vieira making his 7th appearance to the ADCC, this year in a weight division above his usual and big names of the sport such as Marcelo Garcia, Roberto Cyborg, many anticipated a great spectacle and indeed the stars did not disappoint. The big winner of the event was André Galvão who matched Braulio Estima’s deed in 2009 winning both his weight (-88kg) and the absolute divisions, passing through players such as Pablo Popovitch, Rousimar Palhares, Murilo Santana and many others on his way to the top.

The 2011 ADCC edition had many breathtaking moments such as the immense battle between the veteran Leo Vieira and the new blood Claudio Calasans that was considered by many of the spectators as “Fight of the Tournament”, while the “Cringing Moment of the Week” award (if there was one to give) would go to Vinny Magalhães and his armbar escape against Fabricio Werdum. Rousimar Palhares should also take the “Your Leg Would Look Nice Above My Fireplace” award after sending several of his opponents home on a stretcher for his devastating leg locks.

ADCC 2011 Round 1 Results


Under 66kg Rafael Mendes Bruno Frazatto Points (6×0) 1st
Under 66kg Justin Rader Timo-Juhani Points (3×0) 1st
Under 66kg Robson Moura Greger Forsel Points (3×0) 1st
Under 66kg Ryan Hall Tetsu Hadario Points (5×4) 1st
Under 66kg Rubens Charles David Marinakis Submission/Triangle 1st
Under 66kg Baret Yoshida Nicolas Renier Submission/RNC 1st
Under 66kg Jeff Glover Tom Barlow Points 1st
Under 66kg Mark Ramos F. Santos Points 1st
Under 77kg Marcelo Garcia Davis Heart Submission/ Guillotine 1st
Under 77kg Vitor Estima Sanshiro Nakamura Points (2×0) 1st
Under 77kg Murilo Santana Jorge Britto Submission/ Armbar 1st
Under 77kg Kron Gracie Jason Manly Submission/ Guillotine 1st
Under 77kg Claudio Calasans Daniel Strauss Submission/Knee Bar 1st
Under 77kg Augusto Mendes Wagner Rocha Submission 1st
Under 77kg Leo Vieira Enricco Coco Points (6×0) 1st
Under 77kg JT Torres Clark Gracie Points (2×0) 1st
Under 88kg Rousimar Palhares Dan Schon Submission/ Heel Hook 1st
Under 88kg David Avellan Cameron Rowe Submission/ Achilles Lock 1st
Under 88kg Rafael Lovato Jeon Doo Kwang Submission/ RNC – overtime 1st
Under 88kg Kyle Griffin Romulo Barral Points (2×0) 1st
Under 88kg Pablo Popovitch Zbigniew Tyszka Points 1st
Under 88kg Sergio Moraes James Harbison Points 1st
Under 88kg André Galvao Don Ortega Points 1st
Under 88kg Gunnar Nelson Marko Helen Points (5×0) – overtime 1st
Under 99kg Xande Ribeiro Kari Petola Points (5×0) 1st
Under 99kg Lucio Lagarto Shinsho Anzai 1st
Under 99kg Braga Neto Igor Praporschchikov Submission/ Triangle 1st
Under 99kg Joao Assis James Poupolo Submission/ Heel Hook 1st
Under 99kg Rodolfo Vieira Joseph Lee Baize Submission/ Armlock 1st
Under 99kg Antonio Peinado Kamil Uminski Submission/ Armlock 1st
Under 99kg Radek Turek James Brasco Points (6×0) 1st
Under 99kg Dean Lister Augusto Ferrari Points (2×0) 1st
Over 99kg Fabricio Werdum Alexander Trans Points (2×0) Negative Points (0x1) 1st
Over 99kg Jeff Monson Mateusz Juskowiak 1st
Over 99kg Roberto Cyborg Sekine Hideki Submission/ Armbar 1st
Over 99kg Glover Teixeira Jarrod Bunch 1st
Over 99kg Vinny Magalhaes Luke Costello Points (2×0) 1st
Over 99kg Jose Junior Bruno Bastos Submission/ Heel Hook 1st
Over 99kg Gerardi Rinaldi Mick Wilson Points (3×0) 1st
Over 99kg Janne-Pekka Rodrigo Artilheiro Submission/ Kimura 1st

ADCC 2011 1/4 Finals Results

Under 66 Rafael Mendes Justin Rader Submission/ RNC 1/4 Finals
Under 66 Robson Moura Ryan Hall Points (3×0) 1/4 Finals
Under 66 Rubens Charles Baret Yoshida Points 1/4 Finals
Under 66 Jeff Glover Mark Ramos Submission/ Darce Choke 1/4 Finals
Under 77 Marcelo Garcia Vitor Estima Submission/ Guillotine 1/4 Finals
Under 77 Kron Gracie Murilo Santana Points (0x0) Negative Points (0x1) 1/4 Finals
Under 77 Claudio Calasans Augusto Mendes Submission/ Heel Hook 1/4 Finals
Under 77 Leo Vieira JT Torres Points (2×0) 1/4 Finals
Under 88 Rousimar Palhares David Avellan Submission/ Heel Hook 1/4 Finals
Under 88 Rafael Lovato Kyle Griffin Submission/ Triangle 1/4 Finals
Under 88 Pablo Popovitch Sergio Moraes Points (2×0) Overtime 1/4 Finals
Under 88 André Galvao Gunnar Nelson Points (3×0) 1/4 Finals
Under 99 Xande Ribeiro Lucio Lagarto Submission/ RNC 1/4 Finals
Under 99 Joao Assis Braga Neto Submission/ Footlock 1/4 Finals
Under 99 Rodolfo Vieira Antonio Peinado Points (5×0) 1/4 Finals
Under 99 Dean Lister Radek Turek Submission/ Footlock 1/4 Finals
Over 99 Fabricio Werdum Jeff Monson Submission/ Armbar 1/4 Finals
Over 99 Roberto Cyborg Glover Teixeira Points 1/4 Finals
Over 99 Vinny Magalhaes Jose Junior Submission/ Footlock 1/4 Finals
Over 99 Gerardi Rinaldi Janne-Pekka Points (7×0) 1/4 Finals

Men’s BJJ Worlds Black Belt Semi Finals

Under 66 Rubens Charles Jeff Glover Points (6×0) Semi Finals
Under 66 Rafael Mendes Robson Moura Points Semi Finals
Under 77 Marcelo Garcia Kron Gracie Points (2×0) Semi Finals
Under 77 Leo Vieira Claudio Calasans Points (3×0) Semi Finals
Under 88 Rousimar Palhares Rafael Lovato Submission/ Heel Hook Semi Finals
Under 88 André Galvao Pablo Popovitch Points (2×0) Semi Finals
Under 99 Dean Lister Rodolfo Vieira Injury (verbal tap) Semi Finals
Under 99 Joao Assis Xande Ribeiro Submission/ RNC Semi Finals
Over 99 Vinny Magalhaes Gerardi Rinaldi Points (3×0) Semi Finals
Over 99 Fabricio Werdum Roberto Cyborg Points (0x0) Negative Points (3×0) Semi Finals

ADCC 2011 Results (Men’s 3rd & 4th Places)
Under 66 Jeff Glover Robson Moura Submission/ Guillotine 3 & 4 Place
Under 77 Kron Gracie Claudio Calasans Submission/ Guillotine 3 & 4 Place
Under 88 Pablo Popovitch Rafael Lovato Points 3 & 4 Place
Under 99 Xande Ribeiro Antonio Peinado* Points (4×0) 3 & 4 Place
Over 99 Roberto Cyborg Gerardi Rinaldi Submission/ Knee Bar 3 & 4 Place

* Rodolfo Vieira was injured, Antonio Peinado took his place.

Men’s ADCC 2011 Finals
Under 66 Rafael Mendes Rubens Charles Points (0x0) Negative Points (0x1) Final
Under 77 Marcelo Garcia Leo Vieira Submission/ Triangle Final
Under 88 André Galvao Rousimar Palhares Points (9×4) Final
Under 99 Dean Lister Joao Assis Submission/ Heel Hook Final
Over 99 Vinny Magalhaes Fabricio Werdum Points (2×0) Final

Women’s ADCC 2011 Finals

Under 60 Kyra Gracie Michelle Nicolini Submission/ Armbar Final
Over 60 Gabi Garcia Hanette Staack Points (2×0) Final

ADCC 2011 Absolute Division

Absolute André Galvao Shinzo Ansai Submission/ RNC 1st
Absolute Pablo Popovitch Janne-Pekka Points 1st
Absolute Vitor Estima Joao Assis Points (2×0) 1st
Absolute Vinny Magalhaes Bruno Bastos Submission/ Heel Hook 1st
Absolute Xande Ribeiro Jeff Monson Disqualified 1st
Absolute Sergio Moraes Braga Neto Submission/ Foot Lock 1st
Absolute Murilo Santana Marko Helen Submission/ Armbar 1st
Absolute Pablo Popovitch Vitor Estima Points (2×0) 1/4 Finals
Absolute Xande Ribeiro Gunnar Nelson Points (2×0) 1/4 Finals
Absolute Murilo Santana Vinny Magalhaes Judges Decision 1/4 Finals
Absolute André Galvao Sergio Moraes Points (6×0) 1/4 Finals
Absolute André Galvao Murilo Santana Points (0x0) Negative Points (0x1) Semi Finals
Absolute Pablo Popovitch Xande Ribeiro Judges Decision Semi Finals
Absolute Xande Ribeiro Murilo Santana Points (2×0) 3rd & 4th Place
Absolute André Galvao Pablo Popovitch Submission/ Toe Hold Final

ADCC 2011 Super Fights

Absolute Zé Mario Sperry Renzo Gracie Points (2×0)
Absolute Braulio Estima Ronaldo Jacare Points (3×0)

ADCC 2011 7 DVD Set

Bernardo Faria BJJ Foundations


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