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BJJ Fanatics Instructionals

5 Super League Results

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Gordon Ryan Guard Passing Instructional

The first edition of Five Grappling’s “Super League” took place on the 2nd of August 2015. The tournament was a great success with interesting battles from both men and women alike. On the female division, Karen Antunes of Checkmat was on fire, taking out of the competition two of the favorites. losing in the final against Mackenzie Dern. An incredible accomplishment for someone who’s just received her black belt a few weeks ago.

The men’s division was won by Tim Spriggs. Spriggs played a perfect (although somewhat boring) strategy, staying away from his opponents games and taking the $10,000 cash prize with one referee decision and two 2×0 wins.

Below are all the results of one of the top grappling PPV’s of the year.

5 Grappling Super League Results


Keenan Cornelius vs Otavio Sousa (4×0)
The classic match between Atos and Gracie Barra was won by the Atos standout. Keenan dominated the fight on the feet and on the ground against a tentative Souza. In the end, it was Cornelius’ wrestling that got him the win with two well placed takedowns.

Garry Tonon vs Joao Miyao (2×2 – referee decision/1 penalty point)
An exciting match with back and forth action, the first 10 minutes of the match took place under submission only rules. Throughout this first period Tonon looked relentlessly for heel hooks against the stoic Miyao, while Joao had superior positioning and some near missed back taking attempts.

At the start of the points period Garry Tonon made better use of the rules, pulling guard against Miyao knowing that if he came up after a double guard pull he would be conceded 2 points. Joao’s cornerman – Murilo Santana contested the 2 points claiming Miyao had pulled guard first (in which instance the 2 points would’ve been voided). As per rules, the referees related to the footage and checked Murilo’s contest (each coach has a limited amount of contests per match). After assessing the footage, and standing by their decision to award two points, the referee team also added a penalty point to Joao for the missed contest.

Joao Miyao fought bravely to come back from the two point deficit, almost getting a back take and a mount on Tonon, who did not rest on the two point advantage and fought bravely until the end. Joao managed to sweep Tonon near the finish, but couldn’t score more points loosing by 1 penalty.


Men’s Podium
1. Tim Spriggs
2. Yuri Simoes
3. Joao Assis

Women’s Podium
1. Mackenzie Dern
2. Karen Antunes
3. Nijah Rollins (formerly Nyjah Easton)

Lucas RochaEzra Lenon6x0ABS1/4FMale
Tim SpriggsBruno Bastos0x0 (ref. decision)ABS1/4FMale
Yuri SimoesJames Puopolo6x2ABS1/4FMale
Joao AssisAbraham MarteHeel hookABS1/4FMale
Tim SpriggsLucas Rocha2x0ABSSFMale
Yuri SimoesJoao Assis0x0 (ref. decision)ABSSFMale
Tim SpriggsYuri Simoes2x0ABSFMale
Joao AssisLucas Rocha4x2ABS3RDMale
Nijah RollinsLeanna Dittrich0x0 (ref. decision)ABS1/4FFemale
Karen AntunesLuiza MonteiroTriangle armbarABS1/4FFemale
Fabiana BorgesChelsea Lea2x0ABS1/4FFemale
Mackenzie DermTammi MusumeciChoke from backABS1/4FFemale
Karen AntunesNijah Rollins3x0ABSSFFemale
Mackenzie DermFabiana BorgesKneebarABSSFFemale
Mackenzie DermKaren AntunesToe holdABSFFemale
Nijah RollinsFabiana Borges4x0ABS3RDFemale
Bernardo Faria BJJ Foundations


  • Ana Lowry says:

    Friendly correction: Murilo Santana knew the rules. He contested the two points because he thought that Joao might have pulled first and not at the same time, in which case there would be no points and also because the
    penalty for contesting the refs call only comes to play in case of a draw, if there isn't one of the fighters who attacked more submissions.

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