Sim Go | BJJ Heroes

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Team History, Fighter Stats, Biographies and News

BJJ Fanatics Instructionals
BJJ Fanatics Instructionals
Gordon Ryan Guard Passing Instructional

Simpson Go, commonly referred to as Sim Go, was the first Mark Laimon student to be awarded the grade of black belt in Brazilian jiu jitsu. A multiple time Grapplers Quest champion, Sim Go quickly made a name for himself in the Las Vegas grappling circuit, later becoming the head instructor of the prestigious Cobra Kai gym, one of the biggest no gi/submission grappling schools in the region.

Sim Go Jiu Jitsu

Full Name: Simpson Go

Nickname: “Sim” which is short for Simpson.

Lineage: Mitsuyo Maeda > Carlos Gracie Carlson GracieAndre Pederneiras > John Lewis > Marc Laimon > Simpson Go

Main Achievements:

  • Grapplers Quest Champion
  • ADCC US Trials Champion (2007)
  • World No Gi 3rd Place (2008 black)
  • Pan American 2nd Place (2006 purple)
  • FILA World Team runner up

Favourite Position/Technique: X-Guard & Half-Guard

Weight Division: Pluma (Super Featherweight) 64kg-141lbs

Sim Go Biography

Simpson Go grew up in Las Vegas, Nevada. He trained wrestling in high school for a short while, but it was in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu that he found a sport that was more adapted to his nature. He started Jiu Jitsu when he was 15 years old, after finding that a BJJ school was running not far from where he lived. There he met (and was taught) by Nova Uniao’s John Lewis and it was also there that Sim was introduced to Marc Laimon who was an instructor there.

Shortly after Sim Go received his BJJ blue belt from John Lewis, Marc Laimon opened his own academy, Cobra Kai and Sim moved with Marc. Though Sim Go was not much of a presence, strength wise, he did possess flexibility and a keen eye for detail, this attention to detail made him into one of the top grapplers in the country in a short period of time and also transformed Sim Go into a top grappling assistant coach at the Cobra Kai academy.

At Cobra Kai Sim also had the opportunity to train with Deep Half Guard guru, Jeff Glover. Sim Go received his black belt in November 2006 from the hands of Marc Laimon and in time Go became the main Jiu Jitsu coach at the Cobra Kai gym, helping raise the game of competitors such as Chris Holdsworth.

Sim Go at Grapplers Quest

Sim Go at Grapplers Quest

Sim Go at the Western Reginals (Grappling Highlight)

Bernardo Faria BJJ Foundations


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