Italo Lins | BJJ Heroes

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Team History, Fighter Stats, Biographies and News

BJJ Fanatics Instructionals
BJJ Fanatics Instructionals

Italo Lins

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John Danaher Instructionals

Italo Lins is a professional Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu competitor in the black belt division, having been taught by Master Julio Cesar – leader and founder of the Grappling Fight Team. Lins is part of a very talented generation of fighters from the GFT camp of which Vinicius MarinhoIgor Silva, Rodolfo Vieira, and Jake Mackenzie.

Italo Lins Jiu-Jitsu

Full Name: Italo silva lins de albuquerque

Nickname: n/a

Lineage: Luis França > Oswaldo Fadda > Monir SalomãoJulio Cesar Pereira > Italo Lins

Main Achievements:

  • 1st Place CBJJO World Cup (2010)
  • 1st Place CBJJD World Champion (2016)
  • 1st Place CBJJO Pan Championship (2012)
  • 1st Place IBJJF Las Vegas Open (2011)
  • 1st Place IBJJF New York Open (2011/2012)
  • 1st Place IBJJF Dallas Open (2013)
  • 1st Place IBJJF London Open (2018)
  • 1st Place IBJJF London Open NoGi (2014)
  • 1st Place IBJJF Chicago Open (2019)
  • 1st Place IBJJF Rome Open (2015)
  • 1st Place CBJJ Brazilian Team Nationals (2012)
  • 1st Place AJP Abu Dhabi Grand Slam, LDN (2017)
  • 1st Place AJP World Pro Trials (2014)
  • 1st Place IBJJF Manilla Open (2017)
  • 1st Place BJJFP Philippines Open (2015)
  • 1st Place BJJFP Pan Asian Championship (2016)
  • 1st Place NAGA Championship (2011)
  • 1st Place Mercosul Cup (2010/2014)
  • 1st Place IBJJF Rio Open (2010)
  • 1st Place North-Northeast Interstate Championship (2010)
  • 2nd Place IBJJF European Open NoGi (2015)
  • 2nd Place IBJJF Seoul Open (2018)
  • 3rd Place IBJJF European Open (2016)

Main Achievements (Masters):

  • 1st Place IBJJF Pan Championship (2019)
  • 1st Place IBJJF Masters World Championship (2020)
  • 2nd Place IBJJF American Nationals (2020)
  • 3rd Place AJP Grand Slam, MIA (2020)

Weight Division: Peso Pena (70kg/154lbs)

Favorite Position/Technique: Guard pass & taking the back

Team/Association: GF Team

Italo Lins Biography

Italo Lins was born on the 21st of October, 1988 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Though he dwelled with “Capoeira” (another Brazilian martial art) for a few years, it was in jiu-jitsu that Italo Lins found his calling. He started training BJJ after an invitation from a few friends who already practiced the sport, he was 12 when he had his first class with master Carlos Santana, a coach who was also responsible for the introduction of multiple-time world champion Bruno Malfacine to Jiu-Jitsu.

Carlos Santana’s gym was an affiliate of the Grappling Fight Team and under the teachings of Santana, Italo went through the ranks from white to brown belt. As he reached the brown level, Italo Lins decided to switch to the main GFT (Grappling Fight Team) camp where he met Master Julio Cesar Pereira, becoming one of the main competitors at the team’s roster. It was Julio Cesar that awarded Italo Lins his black belt in 2010.

Italo Lins vs Mario Reis

Italo Lins vs Max Campos

Italo Lins vs Osvaldo Queixinho

Italo Lins vs Spenser Guilliam

Bernardo Faria BJJ Foundations


  • Nathan Mendelsohn says:

    Italo is a beast!! killer bio! ossssssssssss

  • Douglas Lins says:

    Tenho um orgulho tremendo de dizer, que sou irmão desse MONSTRO….. Sou agraciado de ser um Faixa Marrom da GFTeam, e posso dizer que o nível técnico desse mulek, é uma coisa SURREAL……Todos estão convidados a nos visitar, na ACADEMIA ARMAGEDOM, onde ITALO LINS e DOUGLAS LINS ministram aulas de Jiu-Jitsu…. GFTeam Osssssssss….

  • larissa pereira says:

    Mestrinho é F#$$.Parabéns maluco!

  • Mano agressivo é foda mto rapido e uma tecnica que naum se entende somente se assiste sabes que sou seu fã tamo junto mano e vc merece isso tudo que vc ta conquistando e muito mais pq esse sempre foi o seu objetivo foi pelo o que sempre vc batalhou GFTeam !osssssssss!!

  • Gabriel Marinho says:

    heey… parabéns mutanteeeeee…

  • italo lins says:

    Obrigado IRMÃOSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS…GFTeam sempreeeeeeeeee

  • tom tupper says:

    Italo spent some time at our school in Santa Cruz, CA and was an amazing teacher as well as a great inspiration!! He is another example of the incredible talent coming out of GFTeam !!!

  • Mikezihno says:

    Italo came to do a seminar and train with my team in Vero Beach,FL for a couple of week. He is a great teacher and excellent bjj competitor. I look forward to his next trip to the U.S. Great bio! HEEEEYY GFTeam!!

  • Alessandra Brito says:

    tenho orgulho de dizer que sempre acompanhei o mais perto possível esse grande atleta!exemplo de abdicação pelo esporte e busca por seus objetivos!tenho certeza que o futuro ainda guarda muitas vitórias!é um prazer imenso treinar com ele!ver lutar então é um show a parte!rs mta garra e continua nesse caminho!

  • Eli Mendoza says:

    Italo came to our school in Santa Cruz , ca and it was an honor to learn from such an awesome competitor and teacher. I never missed one of his classes!!

  • ivan cabello says:

    i saw this awesome man take on everyone this past saturday on his division and absolute it was delightful seeing this man’s SMOOTH TECHNIQUE AND HIS SPIDER GUARD OSSSSSS

  • italo lins says:

    Thnak you very much for all…ossssss

  • Brian says:

    Italo is currently teaching at my school for the month. He is fantastic. I am a Brown Belt and he makes me look like a white belt. He shows what happens when you truly dedicate yourself.

  • Arley says:

    Oss Mestre, me incentiva a não desistir dos sonhos e nem do JJ, amigo verdadeiro desde a infância e olha, mestre com várias técnicas e BOM DE PORRADA A VERA. OSS

  • Bárbara Barbosa says:


  • luiz felipe says:

    very brabo

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