Ailson "Jucão" Brites | BJJ Heroes

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Team History, Fighter Stats, Biographies and News

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BJJ Fanatics Instructionals

Ailson Brites

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Craig Jones Instructionals

Ailson Brites, commonly known as “Jucão” is a Brazilian jiu jitsu (BJJ) black belt under Carlos Gracie Jr. and a highly accomplished figure in the sport/martial art, both as a competitor and coach, having been involved in the development of grapplers such as Robson Moura, Suyan Queiroz, Roberto “Tussa” Alencar, to name a few, while conquering medals in important tournaments including the Pan American, European Open, Masters World, International Masters & Seniors and many other championships. Ailson Brites is also known for his incredible family tree, and its close relationship to jiu jitsu, where you will find big names of this martial art such as grandmaster Geny Rebello (uncle), Armando Wriedt (uncle), Cirillo Azevedo (cousin) and Admilson Brites (brother).

Ailson Brites Jiu Jitsu

Full Name: Ailson Henrique Brites

Nickname: “Jucão”, meaning “Big Juca” in Portuguese. The name started through their cousin (and coach) Cirillo Azevedo who named Ailson’s younger brother Admilson after a cartoon character named “Juca Bala” (in English named Motormouse after the Hanna & Barbera show: Motormouse and Autocat). Admilson Brites was very small and fast, usually ending his matches quickly, so Cirillo nicknamed him after the speedy mouse. As Ailson was the older and the bigger of the two brothers, he soon became nicknamed Jucão.

Lineage: Mitsuyo Maeda > Carlos Gracie Sr. > Helio Gracie > Carlos Gracie Jr. > Ailson Brites

Main Achievements:

  • Pan American Champion (2014 Master 4 weight + absolute, 2008 Senior 2 weight + absolute)
  • European Open Champion (2016 Master 5, 2015 Master 4 absolute, 2014/2012 Master 4 weight + absolute, 2004 Senior 1)
  • Masters World Champion (2013 Senior 3 weight + absolute)
  • International Master & Senior Champion (2004/2003/2002/2001 Senior 1)
  • Brazilian National Champion (2004 Senior 1 weight + absolute, 1999 Master)
  • Pan American No-Gi Champion (2013/2012 Senior 3 weight + absolute, 2008 Senior 2 weight + absolute)
  • European Open No-Gi Champion (2012 Senior 3 weight + absolute)
  • London Open Champion (2012 Senior 3 weight + absolute)
  • New York Open Champion (2009 Senior 2 absolute)
  • European Open Championship Runner-up (2016 Master 5 absolute)

Favorite Position/Technique: Guard Passing

Weight Division: Super Pesado (100kg/221lbs)

Team/Association: Equipe Jucão

Ailson Brites Jiu Jitsu

Ailson Brites was born on December 6, 1965 in Teresópolis – mountain region of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Growing up, Ailson and his younger brother Admilson were always fighting. In an attempt to unite the brothers and have them exert some of their energy, their uncle Amilton Brites took them to a jiu jitsu academy, where they began their grappling tuition under the guidance of Elias Martins at the historic “Academia Serrana” of grandmaster Geny Rebelo, uncle of the Brites brothers.

The Brites brothers went through the academy’s kids program all the way to green belt, joining Master Cirilo Azevedo after reaching the junior age as per Academia Serrana’s protocol.

Regarded as a rising talent in jiu jitsu through his blue and purple belt competitive campaigns, Jucão was scouted by Carlos Machado to become part of the Gracie Barra team, joining Jean Jacques Machado‘s workgroup in Barra da Tijica. Being part of the Barra Gracie team, Ailson was promoted to both his brown and black belts by the team’s leader – Carlos Gracie Junior.

In 2006, looking to expand his academy’s network (already widely developed in Brazil), Jucão moved to the United States, opening academies in New York and New Jersey.

Ailson Brites vs Gianfranco Paoli

Bernardo Faria BJJ Foundations

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