Male Jiu Jitsu Competitors | BJJ Heroes - Part 24

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Team History, Fighter Stats, Biographies and News

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Male Jiu Jitsu Competitors

A list of all male competitors on the BJJ heroes website, Jiu Jitsu legends and other recognizable figures in the sport’s history.

Marcelo Garcia

Marcelo Garcia also known as “Marcelinho“, is one of the most loved fighters in the BJJ community. With an entourage of fans throughout the grappling circuit earned by his Jiu Jitsu prowess and his amicable demeanor. Marcelo Garcia is considered by many as one of the All Time Best BJJ Fighters to have ever entered a mat, including by Rubber Guard guru Eddie Bravo, who considered Marcelo to be the BJJ “messiah“, after watching him in action.

Nino Schembri

In this page, all you want to know about the legendary BJJ fighter Nino Schembri. Facts, fights and achievements and the life story of one of the best fighters to have ever stepped on a mat
