Gordo Evolve | BJJ Heroes

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Team History, Fighter Stats, Biographies and News

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Gordo Evolve

The Gordo Evolve team is led by former Gracie Barra coach “Gordo” (clue is in the name). And it has many important fighters in it’s roster, here are a few of them.

Rafael Correa “Gordinho”

Rafael de Lima is one of the Correa brothers which are among the most important siblings in BJJ. Rafael Gordinho is a Jiu Jitsu black belt world champion and one of the main figures in competitive BJJ at the turn of the 20th century, he has also been involved in the development of the sport and other teams such as his brother’s academy, Gordo Jiu Jitsu and Renzo Gracie Academy in New York.

Delson Heleno “Pé de Chumbo”

A professional MMA fighter, Jiu Jitsu black belt and Capoeira Master, Delson Heleno, also known as Pe de Chumbo is part of the elite grapplers of the world, having been a former Brazilian Jiu Jitsu World and Pan American champion at the black belt level. He is a student of Adilson Lima from the city of Teresopolis.

Dennis Asche

Dennis Asche is a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu black belt under Roberto Correa AKA “Gordo” and an instructor at the Gordo Evolve academy. An American citizen, Dennis Asche has transformed his life due to BJJ, having lived extensively in Brazil and adopting the South American country as his second home.

Jeremy Arel “Gerbil”

The Gerbil, as he is usually called in the Jiu Jitsu community is a black belt in BJJ under the legendary Gracie Barra competitor Roberto “Gordo” Correa. Jeremy Gerbil Arel is also a household name amongst Jiu Jitsu’s internet community through his several online instructionals and his active participation in some of the most important grappling forums on the web, something he has done since his early BJJ days.

Roberto “Gordo” Correa

he is one of the most important figures in Jiu Jitsu’s 1990’s era. The Gracie Barra black belt is also a brilliant BJJ instructor of his own merit, being responsable for some of the greatest BJJ champions of the last decade. Over time he has been sought out by the best in the business.

Rafael dos Anjos

Rafael dos Anjos is a fantastic MMA fighter with an amazing record fighting for the UFC. He is also a great Black Belt from the Gracie Barra team. Get to know more about this great lightweight fighter, from how he started in BJJ to his climb through the MMA ranks.
