Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Team History, Fighter Stats, Biographies and News

BJJ Fanatics Instructionals
BJJ Fanatics Instructionals

Monique Ricardo

Monique Ricardo is a Brazilian jiu jitsu black belt under Eddie Ricardo, as well as a pro bikini athlete and International Federation of Bodybuilding (IFBB) competitor. In the sport of jiu jitsu Ricardo conquered several important titles, particularly in the International Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Federation (IBJJF) circuit, such as World No-Gi, European Open No-Gi

Fabricio Morango

Fabrício Camões is a Brazilian jiu jitsu black belt under Royler Gracie and a member of the Gracie Humaitá team. co-founder to the Gracie South Bay academy in San Diego – California and a former professional MMA fighter, having competed in important promotions such as the UFC.

Gilson Nunes

Gilson Nunes, commonly known as “Nenem”, is a Brazilian jiu jitsu black belt under Ronaldo “Raspinha” Cruz and Paulo Ivano, being also one of the top featherweight athletes of his generation.

Tiago Rocha

Tiago Rocha is a Brazilian jiu jitsu black belt under Fábio Gurgel, and a former student of Elan Santiago. Rocha is also accomplished as an athlete and instructor, having produced important competitors such as Fernando Reis, Renata Marinho, João Paulo Ferreira and a few others from his Minas Gerais (Uberlândia) based academy.

Fernando Yamasaki

Fernando Yamasaki is a jiu jitsu black belt under Marcelo Behring, as well as a judo black belt and former freestyle/greco roman wrestler with Brazilian National Squad competitive pedigree. Yamasaki is also known for having earned his black belt on two separate occasions, after his instructor demoted him to brown belt.

Philippe Balmant

Philippe Balmant, often referenced as “Philzinho” is a Brazilian jiu jitsu black belt under Marcelo Garcia and a well known instructor at Alliance Jiu Jitsu New York (MGA). As an instructor Philippe Balmant is often praised for his half guard game and his approach to the the sport, particularly in regards to longevity training methodology.

Diego Ramalho

Diego Ramalho, often referenced as Diego “Sem Noção” is a Brazilian jiu jitsu black belt under José Olímpio (also known as Zé Radiola), being also a big reference inside the ZR Team.

Christian “Xaropinho” Uflacker

Christian Uflacker is a jiu jitsu black belt under Carlos Gracie Junior as well as one of the main representatives of the Gracie Barra academy in the 2000’s era. Xaropinho is also an accomplished grappling coach, directing his students from his Chicago (IL) based gym the Uflacker Academy.

Jessica Flowers

Jessica Flowers (formerly Jessica Oliveira) is a jiu jitsu black belt under Henrique Machado – founder of the A.S.L.E. academy (Gracie Barra Amazonas), being also one of the top female athletes in the medium-heavyweight division.

Chris Moriarty

Chris Moriarty is a Brazilian jiu jitsu black belt under the legendary Romero Jacare, and one of the top competitive representatives of the Alliance Academy during the 2000’s decade in the United States of America. Moriarty later became a well respected instructor inside the grappling community.
