World Pro Cup 2010 Results | BJJ Heroes

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BJJ Fanatics Instructionals

World Pro Cup 2010 Results

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Claudio Calasans was the great hero of this year’s World Pro Jiu Jitsu Cup. The Middle weight came to Abu Dhabi in great form, meeting and defeating the favourite Braulio Estima in both his weight and the open weight divisions.

In the other results, there were a few of the usual suspects and a few surprises also. Check this years results bellow:

Mens Results:

Absolute Division
Bráulio Estima (Gracie Barra) x Cláudio Calasans (Atos) – Winner Calasans by advantages

65kg Division
Rafael Mendes (Atos) vs Guilherme Mendes (Atos) – Winner Rafael Mendes (4×2)

74kg Division
Gilbert Durinho (Atos) vs Claudio Caloquinha (Gracie Barra-Belo Horizonte) – Winner Durinho 2×0

83kg Division
Bráulio Estima (Gracie Barra) x Cláudio Calasans (Atos) – Winner Calasans, by one penalty point given to Braulio (the score was a draw 2×2).

92kg Division
Alexandre Ceconi (Rillion Gracie) vs Romulo Barral (Gracie Barra) – Winner Ceconi (3×2)

Over 92kg Division
Gabriel Vella (Alliance) vs Ricardo Abreu (Nova Uniao) – Winner Abreu (2×0)

Female Results:

63kg Division
Luanna Alzuguir (Alliance) vs Bia Mesquita – Winner Luanna by judge decision

Above 63kg
Gabrielle Garcia “Gabi” (Alliance) vs Luzia Fernandes – Winner “Gabi” 8×2

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