Andre "Negão" Terêncio | BJJ Heroes

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Team History, Fighter Stats, Biographies and News

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BJJ Fanatics Instructionals

Andre ‘Negão’ Terêncio

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Andre Terencio also known as Andre “Negao” is a great Jiu Jitsu personality and one of the best coaches in BJJ today, having graduated great champions like Hannette Staack. Negao is also one of the founding members of the Brazil 021 team. A team with affiliates all over the world, including the two strongest “BJJ countries”, the United States and Brazil.

Andre Negao Jiu Jitsu

Full Name: André Fernando Alves Terencio

Nickname: “Negão” means “Big Black Man” in Portuguese, Andre got it as there were only two black students at his Jiu Jitsu school. He didn’t like the nickname at first, but the more he would refute his nick, the more people liked to use it, so the name stuck, with time André got accustomed to the name, and now it is part of him

Lineage: Mitsuyo Maeda > Carlos Gracie > Helio Gracie > Francisco Mansor > Carlos Henrique > André Terencio

Main Achievement’s in Jiu Jitsu:

  • Bronze Medalist at the Brazilian 1997 National Championship (Purple Belt Division)
  • Silver Medalist at the Rio de Janeiro State Championship 1998

Favourite Position/Technique: n/a

Weight Division: Meio-Pesado (88kg – 194.5lbs)

Affiliation/Team: Brazil 021

Andre Negao Biography

Andre Terencio was born on the 20th of of December 1977 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. He started training in the beginning of the 1990’s in “Academia Santana” when Andre was only 13years old, because he was an obese child with lack of self confidence.

André Negão’s first and only instructor was Carlos Henrique, one of the best coaches there was in Brazil at the time, and the man who graded him from white to black belt.

After one year of training, André wanted to train more and more, but his humble roots didn’t allow the expensive tuition. André then asked his family not to give him anything else throughout the year (no Christmas gifts, no Birthday gifts, nothing), just the money to pay the tuition. It was this dedication that took him up the ranks until black belt.

Although André Negão never forgot his tough childhood, through Jiu Jitsu he managed to see half the world and coach some of the best fighters in the game. In 2002 he left Carlos Henrique’s school to form his own school, André Negão BJJ Club where he brought to light many champions, like Hannette Staack, Oswaldo” queixinho” Augusto,Thiago Rogerio, Lucas Clone, Izabela Ferreira, Silvana Abreu amongst many others.

After a spell as Andre Negao BJJ Club, he re-joined with his old teacher, Carlos Henrique and colleagues, some who had gone on their own endeavors, to found the “Brazil 021” academt.

André Negao teaches in one of the best academies in America, in the city of Chicago.

Important websites:


Andre Terencio Highlight

Roberto Jimenez BJJ Attacking The Back


  • Alex Crispim says:

    Grande irmão…

    Seu crescimento profissional dentro do Jiu-Jitsu já era esperado por quem o conhecia a fundo.

    Sempre fieal aos seus compromissos quando o assunto era Jiu-Jitsu. Principalmente para aquela turma das aulas na Conde de Bonfim às 6:00h da manhã. No horário de verão parecia de madrugada. Bons tempos né irmão.

    Profissional é isso aí. Que o diga seus faixas pretas…

  • Lázaro Rangel says:

    O reconhecimento para muitos depende da cara feia, dos títulos, da ignorância e dos atletas que produz, porém a amizade, o respeito e o profissionalismo traduzem muito mais o amor ao esporte, a dedicação e a superação de vencer desafios raciais, sociais e físicos. Negão, você é um exemplo!

  • Um grande homen que matar um leão por dia para chegar a onde ele esta agora superação e vencer desafios é o seu dia dia por isso centenas de pessoas ,principalmente eu se espelhão
    nesse ser humano que eu tenho orgulho de falar que e´meu professor

  • Yohance Moore says:

    A great preson and Professor, proud to be a part of his Chicago branch Brazil021 team!

  • Agradeco a todos vcs por existirem em minha vida!

  • Ken Kruse says:

    Andre has been my sons Professor since the age of 3, due to Andre being based out of Chicago and my family is in California my son and I do not get to train with him as much as we would like. Andre and his wife Hannette Staack have the patience of saints never becoming frustrated with students no matter what age, the experience and techniques they have stored away could write volumes on the progression of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. We were invited down to Brazil with them to train with the Brazil021 team and it was an experience which will live in our hearts forever, we were treated like family by everyone no matter the language difference. The training was top notch like nothing Ive yet to experience in the states under other schools, we also toured the city and were exposed to many sites tourists never get to see. If I were a rich man Professor Andre Terencio and the whole stable of Brazil 021 Black Belts would be hired as my families personnel instructors,

  • Thanks so much Ken!! :0)

  • Fabricio says:

    André Negão foi meu primeiro e único professor de jiu-jitsu, estava indo na academia apenas para buscar minha esposa quando perei na porta e fiquei olhando a aula , ai ele chegou e se apresentou dizendo que poderia ficar avontade e me convidou para entrar e assistir a aula, depois dai começei a treinar e admirar o André Negão pelo profissionalismo e dedicação com todos a sua volta, todo sucesso que ele conquistou é merecido. Parabéns Mestre.

  • Peter Sladcik says:

    I recently started training at Brazil021 in San Antonio Texas, with Saad and Suay Al-Aziz. Amazing instructors with a great heart and patience. I look forward to a long career training with my new BJJ family.

  • K Salah says:

    I’ve been with 021 since I was a blue bet ..
    And have continued to train at 021 for the last 6 yrs
    As a 53 yr BJJ practitioner I worry about getting injured
    However Profsr Andra and Hannette run such a great training environment that one feels safe and secure to train
    All of our students look out for each other
    021 keeps you focused by introducing a technique and drilling it for a whole month
    There’s nothing like our Brazil 021

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